Sunday 11 December 2011



Joe starts every morning with three apples...but he only eats the peels(kulit). "Most of the fiber is in the peel, but more importantly, most of the nutrients are in the peel," he says.

Then, he tops the peels with wild blueberries, raspberries and 2 ounces of walnuts.

"It's important to eat some nuts with breakfast so that you do take in some fat, some healthy fats," he says. "I think it helps the absorption of the nutrients, and it's very filling."

For lunch, Joe usually eats a large salad, loaded with vegetables. At dinnertime, he and his family enjoy lean meat or fish and more veggies.

Since then, he's lost 45 pounds, and he says he hasn't had a cold in seven years. Though he's in his "golden years," researchers studying Joe say he has the body of a 20-year-old athlete. "I saw my blood pressure go down substantially(ketara). My heart rate went down substantially," he says. "I had more energy than I'd ever had."

Dr. Oz says calorie restriction is the number one way doctors say we can extend longevity(memanjangkan umur). "The data that we have in rodents and some larger animals now indicate you can probably extend your life expectancy by up to 50 percent potentially from doing this," he says.
when you restrict your calories, the body understands that it doesn't have any resources to waste.

"The body gets really efficient," he says. "You turn on this new chemical pathway we never knew existed called the sirtuin pathway. What it tells you is don't make more babies because you don't have the excess abundant energy to do that—just live longer."

The body's cells also benefit when calories are limited. "We don't have toxic waste products coming out of our energy cells," Dr. Oz says. "So we're actually able to get the individual cell lines to live longer."

Sirtuin or Sir2 proteins are a class of proteins that have been implicated in influencing aging and regulating transcription, apoptosis and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations.Cell culture research into the behaviour of the human sirtuin SIRT1 shows that it behaves like the yeast sirtuin Sir2: SIRT2 assists in the repair of DNA and regulates genes that undergo altered expression with age. Adding resveratrol to the diet of mice inhibit gene expression profiles associated with muscle aging and age-related cardiac dysfunction. Restricting the calorie intake of laboratory mice proportionally increased their life span compared to a group of mice with a normal diet. The calorie-restricted mice also maintained youthful appearances and activity levels longer and showed delays in age-related diseases.
Many people tout the benefits of a calorie restriction diet, but Dr. Oz says there are some risks.

Without proper research and medical advice, some people may eat the wrong kind of foods and become vitamin deficient. If you chose to get all your calories from burgers or sweets, Dr. Oz says you could develop health problems.

"You wouldn't get the right amount of calcium, so you might develop weakening of your bones," he says. "There are factors we have to take into account."

People who've adopted healthy eating plans that follow the program's principles, however, will see a difference over time. "If we took, and it has been done, people like John, and collect them together and look at how young their heart is or how young their arteries are, they end up turning out, over a couple of years, to get younger...not older," Dr. Oz says. "That's the best evidence to us."


Thanks to advances in science and technology, Dr. Oz says people will one day be able to live longer, healthier lives.
What is regenerative medicine? Dr. Anthony Atala, director of Wake Forest's program, says his team is working to create cells, tissues and organs for patients who may need them. "Right now, of course, we have a limited life span because your parts are breaking down," he says. "But imagine a time in the future when, once those parts start breaking down, you can just plug a new one right in."
Dr. Oz says that to build new body parts doctors have to start with a mold(acuan). "Then, it's seeded with live cells," Dr. Oz says. "It goes into an incubator where the cells multiply and grow."
This is especially helpful for patients who are on donor waiting lists or whose organs have been destroyed by cancer. For instance, if you need a bladder transplant, Dr. Oz says doctors can build a replacement bladder using your cells in as little as eight weeks.
Regenerative medicine can also be used to make everything from ears to livers.

***According to Islam( DERIVED FROM

Use of Tissue Graft in Medical Practice

The 38th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia held on 21st June 1995 has discussed use of tissue graft in medical practice. The Committee has decided that:

1. Tissue graft in medical practice is permissible
2. Tissue graft usage is only for medical purpose
3. Tissue graft cannot be misused for trading purpose or other purpose


Bank tisu membekalkan geraf tisu manusia atau haiwan untuk kegunaan klinikal ke atas pesakit. Sama seperti pemindahan kornea mata dan organ-organ tubuh lain, geraf tisu bertujuan mengurangkan penderitaan pesakit melalui tiga cara seperti berikut:

Melegakan sakit dan kesengsaraan [seperti (a) pesakit barah dimana bahagian yang sakit dapat diselamatkan dengan pemindahan geraf tulang; (b) pesakit lecuran dirawat dengan selaput amnion dan geraf kulit untuk sembuhan yang cepat].

Menyembuhkan penyakit yang tidak ada pilihan lain selain dari menggunakan geraf tisu (seperti menyelamatkan anggota daripada dikerat buang keseluruhannya/amputation, hanya bahagian yang sakit dibuang dan diganti dengan geraf tulang untuk penyambungan).

Mengekalkan kebolehan berjalan/bergerak (seperti pesakit sendi (arthritis) dan pesakit yang gantian sambungan sendinya gagal (failed joints/failed joints replacements). Sambungan sendi dapat diperbaiki secara berkesan dengan menggunakan geraf tulang manusia tanpa masalah “rejection” malah dapat merangsang tulang pesakit itu sendiri tumbuh dan menggantikan geraf tersebut. Sambungan sendi akan dapat sembuh dan pesakit akan dapat bergerak secara bebas.

Penyakit-penyakit utama yang dapat disembuhkan/dilegakan/ diselamat melalui penggunaan geraf tisu adalah seperti berikut:
Sakit sendi (arthritis)
Sambungan sendi (failed joints)
Gantian sambungan sendi (failed joints replacement)
Lecuran (burns)
Luka (wounds)
Dua bank tisu telah ditubuhkan di Malaysia iaitu di Pusat Pengajian Perubatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian Kelantan dan di Unit Tenaga Nuklear, Bangi, Selangor. Bank-bank ini telah mula memproses selaput amnion dan tulang manusia serta haiwan. Semua kerja-kerja pemprosesan dilakukan di bawah keadaan bersih dan terkawal.
Selaput amnion didapati dari ibu-ibu bersalin yang sihat dan bebas dari penyakit-penyakit merbahaya. Hanya ibu-ibu Islam dimaklumkan sebelum amnion diambil. Amnion dicuci, dibuang kotoran, lendir dan darah, direndam dalam larutan Natrium Hipoklorid untuk membunuh virus HIV (jika ada) dan dibasuh beberapa kali dengan larutan garam sehingga jernih. Ianya dikeringkan, dibungkus, dan diberi sinaran untuk disuci kuman. Setakat ini amnion telah digunakan ke atas lebih dari 30 pesakit lecuran. Kos rawatan lebih murah berbanding dengan penggunaan antibiotik dan “dressing”, malah paling utama pesakit tersebut tidak menderita sakit, tidak perlu diganti “dressing” nya terlalu kerap dan pergerakan sendinya lebih bebas. Kulit pesakit akan tumbuh dengan baik, tanpa parut yang ketara.
Manakala tulang pula didapatkan dari tulang kepala pinggul (femoral head) yang dibuang dari pesakit dan tulang dari lembu. Hanya pesakit yang sihat, bebas dari sakit merbahaya sahaja dipilih dan diminta kebenaran terlebih dahulu sebelum tulang diambil. Tulang-tulang diproses, dinyah virus HIV dengan kaedah haba “pasteurization”, dicuci beberapa kali dengan air, dikeringkan, dibungkus dan disinarkan untuk suci kuman. Tulang haiwan masih belum digunakan di peringkat klinikal. Kebenaran pesakit-pesakit akan diminta terlebih dahulu sebelum geraf digunakan.

Banyak negara telah memperkenalkan akta atau perundangan yang membenarkan pendermaan tisu serta penggunaan tisu dalam manusia. Di antara negara yang mengamalkan adalah United Kingdom, Australia, Amerika Syarikat, Singapura, Vietnam, Filipina, Thailand, Sri Lanka dan negara-negara Eropah. Negara Islam seperti Pakistan, Bangladesh dan Indonesia telah pun menggunakan amnion dan tulang dalam amalan perubatan. Di Malaysia Akta Tisu Manusia 1974 membenarkan penggunaan bahagian badan manusia yang mati untuk tujuan teraputik atau rawatan dan untuk tujuan penyelidikan.

Hukum yang diputuskan adalah selaras dengan asas-asas berikut:
Untuk menghapuskan kemudharatan, sepertimana yang dituntut oleh Hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. yang berbunyi “ ” yang bermaksud “Tidak boleh memudharatkan diri sendiri dan tidak boleh memudharatkan orang lain”.
Memberi kemudahan, sepertimana yang terkandung dalam firman Allah “ 185 ” yang bermaksud “Allah berkehendakkan kemudahan untuk kamu dan tidak berkehendak kepayahan”.
Melakukan kemudharatan yang paling ringan di antara dua kemudharatan, sepertimana yang terkandung dalam kaedah Fiqh yang berbunyi “ ” yang bermaksud, “melakukan kemudharatan yang lebih ringan”.


The hyperbaric chamber may look high-tech, but the concept is pretty simple.

When you take oxygen and pressurize it in a tube, Dr. Oz says the oxygen is forced into a person's cells. "It gets me to mobilize stem cells from my bone marrow(sum-sum tulang)," he says. "It gets those cells moving along so it goes out to heal areas. In some parts of the body, like the brain, where you don't always have a lot of oxygen in the tissues, it might improve memory. It might play a role in making those cells which have energy factories function more efficiently."

Oxygen therapy isn't just for people who want to live longer. It's also speeds up the healing process for wounds and helps repairs broken bones. If you're interested, Dr. Oz encourages you to seek out qualified technicians.

"They should usually be used in a hospital with folks really watching what's happening," he says. "You have to wear 100 percent cotton, because it's oxygen in there, and oxygen's combustible. If you have synthetic fabrics, those fabrics can rub and make a spark."


Dr. Oz says his in-laws introduced him to the infrared sauna, which is slightly different than a normal sauna. "It makes the same rays that come from the sun and filters out the UV radiation, so it only gives you the infrared radiation," he says. "That radiation that's infrared goes a little bit into your skin so, without heating you up and the external environment too much, it heats the body up."
The high temperature helps lower blood pressure and increase blood circulation. "It gets your heart to beat faster, and it burns calories," Dr. Oz says. "It raises your metabolism a little bit, and also when you sweat, you sweat out toxins through the skin."


This Japanese invention has a tube in the middle of the bowl that collects your urine. Then, the machine analyzes your sugar levels.

Though it only tests for sugar levels today, Dr. Oz believes this toilet will someday be able tell you more about your health and help you identify issues before they become serious. "This is what the future of medicine is going to be about," he says.

Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
"Berubatlah , sesungguhnya Allah Azza Wajalla tidak meletakkan (kepada manusia) sesuatu penyakit melainkan diturunkan untuknya (penyakit tersebut) penawar kecuali satu penyakit (tiada ubat baginya). Lalu para sahabat bertanya apakah dia? ( penyakit yang tiada ubat itu ya Rasulullah) lalu Rasulullah menjawab, Tua(mati)"
Nabi menyatakan: "Jika menepati ubat itu akan penyakit maka ia akan sembuh". Ertinya kita mesti berusaha mencari ubat yang sesuai dengan penyakit kita. Mungkin sesuatu ubat itu tidak sesuai dengan seseorang walaupun ubat itu memang ubat yang khusus untuk penyakit tersebut. Sembuh bagi seseorang tetapi tidak sembuh untuk seseorang yang lain. Dengan makna yang lain ia disebut sebagai "Rasi".
Ubat bukan penyembuh. Ia hanyalah sebagai sebab musabbab sahaja. Penyembuh yang hakiki adalah Allah azza wa jalla. Sesiapa yang menganggap atau mengi'tiqadkan bahawa ubat dapat memberikan kesan atau menyembuhkan penyakit, maka orang dianggap syirik kepada Allah s.w.t. Sebab itu hadis riwayat Jabir sebagaimana diatas, Nabi menegaskan dengan perkataan: "Dengan izin Allah".


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