Sunday 11 December 2011

ALCHEMY I --Turning Lead into Gold

Transmutation is the act of changing a substance, tangible(ketara) or intangible, from one form or state into another.

To the alchemists of old, this meant the conversion of one physical substance into another, particularly base metals such as lead into valuable silver and gold.

To the modern scientists, this means the transformation of one element into another by one or a series of nuclear decays or reactions.

Although people worked with gold, silver(Ag), copper(Cu), iron(Fe), tin(Sn), lead(Pb), carbon(C), sulfur(S), and mercury(Hg) in ancient times, they had little understanding of chemistry and could write little about it. At this time chemistry was an art, not a science.

The Egyptians were the first to produce extensive written documentation of chemical procedures, at the beginning of the Christian era, and Egypt is generally identified as the birthplace of chemistry. These writings indicate that the development of methods for transmuting one substance into another was one of the principal early goals of their investigations.

During the several hundred years that followed these writings, the alchemists attempted to develop schemes to transmute base metals into gold and silver through various chemical manipulations of mixtures and distillations(penyulingan). The alchemists were spurred(terangsang) on by what appeared to be some success—for example, production of very small amounts of gold from lead ore by their chemical procedures. (This gold was undoubtedly present in trace amounts in the original ores and was not produced by transmutation.)

The ultimate folly(kebodohan) of the alchemists turned up during the Middle Ages(Zaman Pertengahan) with the search for the philosopher's stone(Batu Falsafah), a substance that could be mixed with base metals and, through purification, convert them into gold. It was never found.

ilmu sains zaman PURBA lahir daripada 2 sumber... 1 nya daripada wahyu kenabian dan kedua, melalui upacara ritual sihir untuk memindahkan pengetahuan dan teknologi ghaib untuk dizahirkan.. hal ini amat ketara ketika zaman Renaissance..

Apa yang pasti,ilmu sains bersumberkan wahyu Allah adalah yang paling tepat dan apabila dikaji,insya-Allah memberikan manfaat....Alkimis zaman dahulu ada beberapa objektif

1)Mencari/Mencipta Batu Falsafah (yg sebenarnya hanya dongengan) yg kononnya memiliki kebolehan menukarkan logam biasa kepada emas atau perak dan sebagai penawar kehidupan yg memberikan keremajaan serta keabadian.Namun,selepas Jabir Ibn Hayyan mengutarakan tentang 'Takwin',para alkimis mula mempertikaikan tentang kewujudan Batu Falsafah yg mereka sudah berusaha mencarinya setelah sekian lama.

2)Penciptaan 'Panacea',sejenis penawar yg mampu menyembuhkan semua penyakit dan memanjangkan umur. Bagi mereka,'Panacea' adalah saling berkait dengan penawar kehidupan dan batu falsafah.

3)Mencari 'Alkahest' iaitu sejenis larutan universal (universal solvent).Mereka mencari larutan yg berkebolehan melarutkan apa sahaja termasuklah emas.Mereka berpendapat bahawa alkahest mempunyai nilai perubatan yg tinggi.Seseorang bernama Paracelsus dari Switzerland telah menyediakan ramuan alkahest yg terdiri daripada kalsium oksida(caustic lime/quicklime),alkohol dan kalium karbonat(carbonate of potash).Dia mempercayai bahawa inilah Batu Falsafah namun ada sedikit masalah kerana alkahest akan melarutkan segala2nya termasuklah bekas yg digunakan utk mengisinya.Walau bagaimanapun,ahli falsafah Philalethe berpendapat alkahest hanya melarutkan bahan kepada komponen elemen masing2 sahaja.

Sekarang,lepas diteliti objektif mereka,kan dapat disimpulkan bahawa mereka mencari jalan utk menjadi kaya dan hidup selama-lamanya....menjadi kaya itu boleh terjadi dgn izin Allah Taala namun utk hidup2 selama-lamanya di dunia?Mustahillah,kerana kehidupan abadi adalah di akhirat......

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